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The Magnetic Tide


Richard Feynman once said science laws start off as guesses then look for evidence to support them. Finding none means no science is possible. Feynman, a one-time Nobel Prize winner and professor of physics at Princeton, has often been called the greatest quantum physicist in modern times. His was the maths that speaheaded the atomic bomb and shortened the war  He warned that guesses may have an attraction of their own, but outmoded ideas may gather traction because of their novelty and the need for experimental verification sometimes gets forgotten. 

Ideas like alternative energy sources or global warming that today receive funding from private corporations needing some result that leads to profit, or lawmaking that can lead to government policy that in turn leads to greater taxation do set researchers on a search path for evidence, but finding none, the researchers merely plead for more funding, claiming unforeseen factors that need more clarity. They either fail to see the unscience they are encouraging or they are dishonest. 

Feynman knew that everything in nature is electrical in some degree, but to what extent could never be fully known, because the experimenters themselves were living lives that encompassed electricity on many levels, if only by virtue of the synaptic process of thinking. Each atom behaves electrically which makes chemistry electrical and astronomy is simply a larger playing field. Yet very few seem prepared to speculate on the electrical nature of weather, tides or earthquakes. Why not?

The Sun supplies electricity to Earth's North and South Poles. Although no one has been down to look there is thought to be in the center of the Earth a solid iron ball, the Inner Core, a few thousand kms down. It is the electrical centre of earth's electromagnetic field. The moon is also positively charged by the Sun by virtue of the solar wind, and further electrically charged as it cuts through earth's geomagnetic lines of force in the process of the Moon's daily transit around Earth.  The ever-orbiting Moon disturbs the inner core as would two magnets in fairly close proximity to each other. Acting thus in the manner of what we call a dynamo the Moon produces an alternating current. Inside the Earth there are reams of iron ore. An AC current creates a solenoid which can thrust iron forwards, and if inside the earth this would create pressure waves inside the earth. 

We do know there is an earthquake at every location once per day, called the Land (Earth) Tide.  It is the result of pressure release that happens when the transiting moon affects the Inner Core.  The land surface bulges towards the Moon and then recedes again as the Moon passes overhead. This land bulge follows beneath the Moon as it transits around the globe. All around the globe the Earth's crust is always at some point in vertical  flux and because of this pressure release we get the formation of soil (rocks acting as cutting knives on each other), sand (shells grinding together), and erosion, mostly unseen by the naked eye until a critical point is reached and something blows, tips or breaks away. 

The fact is, earthquakes bring about rivers, mountains, valleys, beaches, plains, lakes, plateaus, islands, and every other land shape and formation one can think of.  It is an ongoing work in progress. Earthquakes must begin electrically, but no geologist seems prepared to admit to anything more than some random movement of continental plates at the very surface of the earth's uppermost crust. They are all agreed that tectonic plates no deeper than 100kms thick generate earthquakes, but no one has bothered to explain how earthquake epicenters are commonly around 400kms down. And yet it is the final electrical trigger that we need to know more about, and especially what is created by the aspecting Moon. By talk of that makes earth scientists choke in derision.

Most days at one location the land heaves and sighs and no one notices, because there is nothing to compare the vertical displacement against. Those lucky enough to live near a coast will witness it as what appears to be the ocean tide. But the tide of the sea is a secondary result. If you can imagine a bath with movable sides, then that is like a bay or inlet, subject to the daily Land Tide. Daily the bay expands and the water level drops. The bay returns to rest and the water level rises.  But it is the same water. There is no sideways energy that could possibly force the ocean to rise to allow-in a certain body of water as large as, say, the Gulf of Mexico, to join it.  Also, such a large water body would have no time to join and unjoin the ocean in the 6-hour tidal turnaround. 

Fishermen know to what extent fish are territorial, and accordingly these folk in order to make a living plan when and where to be to achieve their daily catch. They too, have no time to cruise the ocean all day. Familiar territory is common to all species of life. Fish, like all other creatures must eat, find shelter and breed, and would logically feel at home in a certain body of water, the familiar environment that contains their favourite food, preferred temperatures, salinity and other factors that only that fish and its group members would know about. That suggests the same water returns to the same maritime location - or never left it.  It would be equivalent to us preferring the salty beach air, or the cool and still desert evening air with its starry display.

Watching the sea tide tells us about earthquakes. Perigees bring the spring (king) tides in the sea and also the larger movements in the daily land tide. The closer moon creates a requirement for pressure release within the land that cannot wait for a thousand kms of solid matter to gently rise to accommodate. The result on a close perigee is a pressure wave that must outpace the land lag and might have to sweep through solid granite at what we know to be a 20,000mph wind seeking a way through less dense rock and out into the air.  That corridor of exiting pressure is when fault lines are created. The solenoidal push-forward effect is strengthened when a charge is generated from the north and south poles of the earth as a result of a step-up in solar energy, either from sunspots,or coronal flares. The earthquakes create the fault lines, not vice versa.

We can also watch the barometer or altimeter, because that will indicate what is happening in the Land tide. Why? Because the land is connected to the sea and the sea to the air. When the barometer suddenly jumps up or down by at least 12mbs in a single day you can expect an earthquake within about 500kms.
Just where on earth the quakes will hit next is the big question. Whatever affects the ocean tide will give earthquake clues. usually the earthquake will be coming up to low tide in the sea (high tide in the land beneath the sea at that location). Seismologists only name shakes when their sensors, usually based around old faults, detect movements higher than the hourly average. 

And yet it is the electrically-based tidal cycles that will trigger something that will later be called an earthquake rather than just the Land Tide hard at work to release internal pressure. It is also odd how we use electrical words to describe our own release of internal tension. We say we are in shock, that we feel positive or negative, and that some of us have a short fuse. Some of us are polarized into action, feel charged up, go with the flow; have a nuclear family; the list of electrical words seems endless.

Deep sea fishermen know that marlin return to the upper west coast of NZ every 18-19 years. Why certain species of fish will reappear in a fishing location exactly a lunar cycle later is due to the repeat movement of currents, temperatures etc, and likewise a certain location will have an earthquake cycle in numbers of sol/lunar years. Mostly it will be when the closest perigee in a particular month passes that location. For example at the time of the Japanese tsunami earthquake on 11 March 2011 the moon was at the longitude of Japan and would have been viewed from ground as being within 2 hours of being overhead. The time was midway between perigee and apogee, and midway between New and Full moon. On the day the Sun conjuncted Mars and Mercury squared the North Node. The next day the Sun squared the North Node. 

The rule seems to be that whatever increases the sea tides will also register as earthquake risk dates. When many planets conjunct the Sun, as they did on 11 March 2011, the Sun's tidal pull is increased just as if an extra 6 heavy players join one side in a tug of war.  The area of earth most affected will be in the area of the earth that the Moon is juxtaposing.  Alternatively it may be that the Moon is on the horizon.
I make the argument that we might look at aspects as triggers, not causes, and more at tides than signs. Tides mean Moon and Sun. We might ask ourselves what would support extra tidal energy from both and what constitutes the earth's obvious Magnetic Tide. There is much more evidence for this than for the get-out-of-jail theory that weather and earthquakes are random

Ken Ring

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