Whether or not we realise, weather dictates our whole lives. Just imagine having more information about what was coming, and being able to better plan for crops, sports or wedding events, trips, commercial projects, roading contracts, aviation and public safety.

The best way to predict the future is by looking at the past. Our method looks at trends and cycles of moon orbits. Accurate future knowledge about weather in your business plan gives you the edge, both for your own purposes and in the competitive marketplace. Imagine how much could be saved by cancelling or postponing events before it rained and perhaps by putting on more staff if you knew beforehand that the weather was going to be fine. Much more could be made by a larger turnout to a festival, gala or market day and much could be saved by avoiding thunderstorms or snowfall times.

People tend to shop in cycles. Shoppers favour reasonably fine days. They may not shop as frequently when it is really wet or really dry, because it might be better either staying home or taking kids to the beach. Some say shoppers make large purchases on the waxng moon (coming up to full moon) because they become more impulsive. It is said to be the time to sell a house but not to buy one. Because of frosts, full moon is the time when investment in coffee futures sharply increases. Some farmers have noticed milk production varies as to moon phase. There is more moisture in the soil before full moon. Grass and wool grow quicker when cut on a waxing moon. Fruit picked around new moon has a longer shelf-life. There are host of other examples. In NZ, winter cold is big business with our winter sports and tourism. It is also ominous for hospital boards because of flu increase. Summer heat is lucrative for resorts, retail chains (especially pre-Xmas), and beverage sales. The Xmas period of 2006/7 was disastrous for NZ retail chains who had stocked up with summer clothing, because a rainy and cold December brought to a near halt the buying of Xmas clothing gifts.

There are cycles with peaks and troughs in every sphere of commercial activity, and it may be said that they equate to the lunar cycles. This may be because the economy of a small country rests heavily on agriculture, agriculture relies on weather and cycles of the weather follow a lunar pattern. It is no coincidence that house sales, total net migration, world commodity prices, domestic inflation, GDP growth, 90-day interest rates, and exchange rate deviations all peaked in 2006/7, the last year of maximum declination of the moon, and the previous peak was 1996, the year of mirror-opposite declination.

Predict Weather offers services at affordable rates to anyone, be they farmers, councils or corporates, weather for a family reunion or a single forecast for a couple organising a wedding. Customised reports tailored to individual needs are increasingly becoming a large focus. We can supply a written report for any period ahead, for anywhere in the world. We can add graphs of rainfall patterns, sunshine amounts and temperature trends, for all Australia and NZ locations. The length of time is entirely up to the client - the moon method of forecasting is not bound by time constraints or satellite technology. It is just as easy to forecast for one day or one year - it just takes shorter or longer time for our team to look up and cross-check.

Some of Australia and NZ's biggest retail chains have used our services, as well as power companies, farm consultancies, and event organisers. We are regularly asked to address conferences by regional branches of Federated Farmers, and the orchard, wine, bee, contractor, concrete and turf industries. We have many small businesses in our client base, many farming-based and all weather-related, and the needs of all are the same although for different reasons. Most want to know, is it going to rain? When will the frosts hit the area?

Ski operators are also important clientele. Future knowledge of when snow and cold snaps will arrive indicates when to deploy staff, when to pre-advertise, when to lay off mainetnance personnel and when to have emergency services close at hand. Days of mountain closure are zero income times. Ski operators who have employed us are in management at Whakapapa, Turoa, Treble Cone, Craigieburn, and Queenstown in NZ, and Mt Buller in Australia.

Forecast reports are for any specified time period ahead, and any named location in the following countries; NZ, Australia, Ireland, USA, Japan and Italy. We are adding countries of application as historical database information becomes available. The concept of longrange forecasting may seem unfamiliar and less than possible at first hearing, but that could be because there has been a lack of longrange capability of western metservices since the 1850s. Despite claims to the contrary with regard to climate scientists preaching about imminent climate change, the science of classical meteorology has not progressed in 150 years, and whilst same-day predictions may be excellent and well-supported by state-of-art satellite technology, predictions more than 1 or 2 days ahead by forecasters cannot be relied on. For the longer outlook, one can liken our work in longrange weather projection to local tidetables which cover a year ahead or longer and have long been purchaseable in advance from institutions supporting maritime activity. Our longrange weather reports are simply tidetables of the atmosphere. The science is based around the concept of risng and ebbing in the daily tide of the air. By such daily vertical motion, well documented by weather balloon behaviour, changes in air-height result in changes in temperature and thereby a daily variation in water vapour amounts and densities. This manifests in more or less sunshine heat and amount, rain, wind and snow being able to form and reach ground.

By applying cycles to historical weather data that match tide cycles we believe we can produce useful indications of what weather will arive and when for any locality, and so warn about extreme weather that may disrupt planned events. The method is as scientific as the science of ocean tides. Why it is embraced in eastern countries but not in the west mirrors the struggle Chinese medicine has had to gain acceptance, which has more to do with politics and religion than efficacy.

Our readouts comprise a week (minimum), a month, three months, six months, a year or longer. The listing includes daily information on rain, sun/cloud, temperatures and wind information where such data in historical databanks is available. The range of these forecasts is a radius of 50-60 miles (80-100km). This is also the range of acceptable error. As weather forecasting is not an exact science, potential for errors are always borne in mind. Allow up to 2-days either side of a daily prediction. Treat figures as trends rather than literal amounts. Small readings e.g. 1-2mm can mean dew, frost, mist, fog, drizzle, haze, or odd showers. Readings are of potential for weather events on days, for example in the case of the naming of rain what eventuates may just be the gathering together of cloud. That aside, trends are discernible and worth the cost of the exercise. By way of comparison upon careful examination it will be found that tide tables are also less than absolutely precise because many factors affect tide height like moon phase, declination angle, speed and proximity, wind direction, atmospheric pressure, and close-by underwater earthquakes and emissions. But tide charts and tables can provide a guide about tidal movements that is better than nothing when planning some sea-based activity. The advantages of accessing this information can also provide competitive advantage during an overall season.

Knowing When
Comissioning one of our forecast products may pay for itself many times over, through savings or minimising loss that can come from knowledge of advanced weather.
a) A report can enable the buying of necessary stock, stores and equipment well beforehand, when demand and therefore costs are lower, rather than waiting until the season is well underway when costs may be inflated. For example dry and cut ti-tree firewood is usually reserved by firewood merchants for restaurants after February, and is cheaper in January. If March turns cold the costs for this slow burning denser wood spiral upward with demand. Buying in January presents a savings in heating costs throughout a cold season to come.
b) A report can faciliate prebooking and arrangement of advertising, with prior knowledge of when weather-related events are going to occur, so ads may appear when the timing is the most profitable. If rain is due in a changeable fortnight preceding a sunny event-weekend, ads could appear on dry days to ensure best attendance.
c) A report can enable the contracting and timetabling of such staff as will be needed, and the deployment of road-clearing crews, to be on-hand only when needed. d) A report can minimise risks due to accidents or incidents that may be weather-related, due to parking or footpath/road access.
e) A report may necessitate the rescheduling of an event to a more appropriate day, so minimising losses incurred if road access may be closed, visibility too poor or extreme temperatures disrupt maintenance crews.

Please visit here for more information about the services we offer. Perhaps we can help you to decide on a best date for an important event coming up.
Predict Weather 2009 ©