International Event Diary Next 3 Months
(pic: Brisbane flood, 1974)
TC=tropical cyclone, TD=tropical depression, TL=tropical low, TS=tropical storm, Low=low pressure system. Allow 1-3 days error, as for all forecasting. More detailed disclaimer at end.
2013 3 Nov: Squally weather in Ireland
2013 4 Nov: Cambodia floods in NW
2013 5 Nov: Stormy in Iceland
2013 7 Nov: Typhoon in Phillippines, Week of TS's in western Pacific,
2013 10 Nov: Heavy rain coming to Turkey in next few days
2013 11 Nov: TD over Vanuatu, heavy rain Alabama next 3 days
2013 12 Nov: Typhoon over Phillippines
2013 13 Nov: TD moves towards Fiji but peters out in a day or two
2013 15 Nov: Low over Samoa, heavy rain Brisbane
2013 19 Nov: TC in Bay of Bengal, heavy rain Auckland
2013 22 Nov: Unusually warm in Belgium, heavy rain Sydney
2013 24 Nov: Much rain Britain+Scotland, intense cold Scandanavia
2013 25 Nov: Heavy rain in Lisbon, Portugal, also Edinburgh, Scotland
2013 27 Nov: Heavy rain in S Africa, heavy rain Brisbane for next 6 days
2013 28 Nov: Sweden W, snowstorms
2013 29 Nov: Rain comes to Sydney over next 5 days with flooding
2013 30 Nov: Much rain in Toowoomba
2013 1 Dec: TD over Fiji and then Tonga
2013 2 Dec: Earthquake risk 5.9 Christchurch, drought farewelled in E Australia
2013 3 Dec: TD over Samoa and S Cooks, heavy rain in Beirut over next 2 days
2013 4 Dec: TD over Samoa and S Cooks
2013 5 Dec: TD over Samoa and S Cooks, heatwave Brisbane over next 5 days
2013 7 Dec: Warm in Ireland, temps up to 20C, very cold Scandinavia
2013 8 Dec: Fiji disturbance, two-week dry spell begins for North Island of NZ
2013 10 Dec: TD Fiji
2013 11 Dec: Hot air across Tasman from Australian deserts
2013 12 Dec: TD peters out over Kermadecs
2013 13 Dec: Next 4 weeks: record low temps in Scotland
2013 14 Dec: Very wet in Tasmania next 2 days
2013 15 Dec: Warm in New Orleans
2013 16 Dec: Rain and flooding Sydney
2013 17 Dec: TD descending from Solomon Is
2013 18 Dec: TD descending from Solomon Is, Very cold in Montana
2013 20 Dec: TD still in Solomons, very cold in Tennessee, high temps in N Iceland
2013 21 Dec: TD Vanuatu, snow in NY, but high temps in Texas, heavy rain Brisbane
2013 22 Dec: Floods in SI Canterbury and Otago, TDs Vanuatu + S Cooks
2013 23 Dec: Next 7 days heavy rain in Durban, S Africa
2013 24 Dec: TD New Caledonia, rain next 3 days Auckland
2013 25 Dec: TC in Australia's NW
2013 28 Dec: Snowfalls heavy in next few days in NY and Boston, USA
2013 29 Dec: Wet Northland, may affect kumara, monsoons Malaya next 5 days
2013 30 Dec: Chance of snow in Ireland
2013 31 Dec: TD in Samoa
2014 1 Jan: TD in Samoa, heavy rain North Island
2014 2 Jan: Start of wintry week for Ireland, heavy rain in Brisbane
2014 3 Jan: Rain and floods Coromandel, TD Fiji or Tonga
2014 4 Jan: Extremely cold in Sweden
2014 5 Jan: Bangladesh cold snap, rain, S Africa floods
2014 6 Jan: Indonesia flooding
2014 8 Jan: TD forms SE of Solomons, bitterly cold in Scotland
2014 9 Jan: 30C at Whangamata, Rangitata flood, floods Brazil, UK+Scotland very cold
2014 10 Jan: TD north of Fiji or Samoa
2014 12 Jan: Waikato hot, big freeze N Ireland, very wet Brisbane for next 8 days
2014 13 Jan: NI heatwave, UK +Ireland big freeze, 4 days heavy rain + floods in Sydney
2014 14 Jan: Taumaranui may reach 30C or more.
2014 16 Jan: TC in Cooks
2014 17 Jan: TC S Cooks as low forms E of Solomons
2014 18 Jan: Three TLs forming in Pacific
2014 19 Jan: Cyclone affects QLD, Waikato, floods Indonesia, TD S of Fiji
2014 20 Jan: TD moves S
2014 21 Jan: Waikato perfect growing conditions
2014 22 Jan: Substantial rain upper NI
2014 23 Jan: US E coast, snow and blizzards, Waikato heavy rain
2014 24 Jan: Low over Fiji
2014 25 Jan: Waikato+BoP, heavy rain
2014 26 Jan: TD over Tonga
2014 28 Jan: TD over Cooks
2014 29 Jan: Warm next few days upper NI
2014 30 Jan: Storm Auckland, S Waikato
2014 1 Feb: Washington floods
2014 2 Feb: Wet and flooding in Brisbane
2014 3 Feb: Huge surf closes Coromandel and BoP beaches, heavy rainfalls Sydney
2014 4 Feb: Cyclone on way, 2-week heatwave in SE QLD
2014 6 Feb: Rain Waikato, Gis/HB affected most
2014 9 Feb: France floods
2014 11 Feb: SW China blizzards
2014 12 Feb: In NZ 4 weeks of contrasting weather coming, TD in Fiji
2014 14 Feb: TD Fiji, wet week coming for Sydney
2014 15 Feb: Southern US big chill, Low over Fiji
2014 16 Feb: Very dry in Canterbury, Coromandel fireban
2014 17 Feb: Canterbury over 30C, S Cant rain+flooding, Europe shivers UK to Yugoslavia
2014 19 Feb: Waikato heavy rainstorm
2014 20 Feb: TD N Caledonia
2014 22 Feb: Low over Fiji
2014 23 Feb: Low over Vanuatu
2014 24 Feb: Waikato very hot
2014 25 Feb: Rio torrential rains
2014 26 feb: TD south of Fiji
2014 28 Feb: TC south of Solomons
Disclaimer to the event diary
All weather forecasting, be it short term, extended range and longrange, deals with general weather over a wide area of about 50-80kms and allows for a 1-2 day leeway. Some longrange predictions listed here may in instances even be up to a week out, considering that this list was compiled 18 months ago. All the above are written already into one of our three almanacs. The suggestions are based on repeating cycles of severe weather, from 18-20, 35-38 and 76 years ago for timing (lunar) and 11 and 22-24 years ago (solar) for magnitudes. Of course space and time prohibits publishing every extreme event. In the end they are opinions, not certainties, as with all weather forecasts. Predictions are intended to assist and prepare, not cause anxiety.
We are mindful of some working to undermine anything suggestive of alternative beliefs in science. Therefore we suggest that a little investigation will reveal moon, sun, planets and cycles is all regular science. To those who find longrange weather predictions helpful to their planning; our work is only intended for you. Critics might consider reading elsewhere.
For any queries please email