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  Wedding weather 24/03/2024
Wedding weather
  Click on "Forecasts" at left. Plan ahead and choose the best date, weather-wise. Cost: 6.95 (one week minimum)
  2025 Ireland Weather Almanac available now 26/10/2023
2025 Ireland Weather Almanac available now
  300 pages of rain maps, frost and snow, max+min temps, summaries, yearly tables and graphs, significant events, fishing calendar, gardening guide, and update of solar and lunar cycles. Cost: 47BP (normal cover). Also available with more durable HARD BACK. See "Other Publications" or "Books" at left. (E-version instantly downloadable also available, see E-reports at left).
  Weather in month to come, for January 2025 25/03/2023
Weather in month to come, for January 2025
  For Australia, NZ and Ireland. Maps download instantly, for all states, counties, and regions, for whole coming month. Over 100 docs. Allow 1-3 days error, as in all forecasting.
  2024 Snow season e-report for Australia 13/01/2023
2024 Snow season e-report for Australia
  Daily snow, precipitation, sunshine, max and min temps, dew points, wind origin directions and strengths. April-October. All files hyperlinked for easy access. Graphs cover main skifields of NSW, ACT, VIC and TAS. Best days to go to the slopes. Plan your holiday. Cost: 39AUD
  2024 Snow season e-report for NZ 12/01/2023
2024 Snow season e-report for NZ
  Daily snow, precipitation, sunshine, max and min temps, dew points, wind origin directions and strengths. April-October. All files hyperlinked for easy access. Graphs cover Chateau, Ohakune, Mt Hutt Craigieburn, Wanaka and Queenstown. Best days to go to the slopes. Plan your holiday. Cost:37
  Accuracy: Feb 2023 rain for Gisborne/HB foreseen 14 years ago. 05/01/2023
Accuracy: Feb 2023 rain for Gisborne/HB foreseen 14 years ago.
  There were flooding rains. On the left of our website,, is the word “Forecasts”. Click there and look under Gisborne. This readout has been sitting since 2009. It is proof of the accuracy of the lunar method.
  Does Mercury drop the mercury? 01/10/2019
Does Mercury drop the mercury?
  On 9 November 2009, the tiny spot moving across the face of the Sun wasn't some newly discovered weird roving sunspot. It was Earth's sister planet Mercury in a totally predictable transit in front of the Sun.
  The Lunar Code 05/01/2019
The Lunar Code
  Updated theory of the moon method explaining how seasons repeat roughly every 18-20 years, with a guide to predicting for at least the next 150 years. Cost: $59.95 NZD (overseas orders see separate listing) Also available as an e-book in downladable pdfs. Cost: 25
  Don't think about it. 23/12/2018
Don't think about it.
  Perhaps we are to blame, and not everything else..
The rain came on cue
  Showing the accuracy of this method. As our map showed, we listed the 31st, but it arrived on night of 2nd, within the accepted error of 1-2 days (as in all forecasting). The map we had prepared a year ago was almost identical.
  What brings good summers to Ireland 23/06/2018
What brings good summers to Ireland
  The solar cycle, every 11 and 23 years, and the lunar cycle, every 9 and 18 years, is the key to weather, which some have noticed over long term roughly coming around again once per decade.
  The Moon and the Volcano 05/05/2018
The Moon and the Volcano
  Mt Pinatubo in 1991 did NOT cause ongoing global change in temperatures or sunshine levels. Neither did the Iceland volcano affect the atmosphere longterm, nor the Chilean ash cloud. But they want you to believe it so you will believe in climate change.
  Heat goes down 30/04/2018
Heat goes down
  We were always taught in school that heat only rises, but now in green "science", heat flows downwards to warm the earth, contrary to the days before global warming when the air cooled the ground. So what else does the new science say?
  Fishing Calendar for 2019 05/01/2018
Fishing Calendar for 2019
  This universal system works anywhere in the world. Here we list best days and which coasts and which times to get the best chance of catches, throughout 2019. Moon information for the whole year, easy-to-read layout, graphs of tides, 33 pages. Cost:$20
  Drought 2020 03/01/2018
Drought 2020
  Weather is determined by astronomical and physical reasons which are under fixed cyclic control. Predictions of potentials and trends is possible from analysing factors that produced weather in past years.
  The Electric Earth 07/12/2017
The Electric Earth
  When warm, wet air rises, it cools, and water vapor condenses out to form clouds. But why does air rise in the first place?
  How To Predict Earthquakes (in advance) 05/12/2017
How To Predict Earthquakes (in advance)
  An explanation of what an earthquake really is, times to expect them and how to recognize signs. A 'weighting' system that you can use instantly. How we predicted the 2011 Christchurch events 6 months prior, and the 2016 Kaikoura event. 280 pages Cost: 35.50NZD (+18 postage)
  2018 North Island Snow Season report 05/11/2017
2018 North Island Snow Season report
  Get an idea of when to drive down to the slopes. Consists of Desert Rd road conditions at the base of the mountain, as well as the Top of the Bruce. Cost: 39.00
  Blowin' in the wind 08/09/2017
Blowin' in the wind
  Plastic is light, healthy, efficient, hygienic, cheap, disposable, and recyclable. Banning plastic bags is government madness.
  Weather Almanac for Ireland 2017 - now half price 18/09/2016
Weather Almanac for Ireland 2017 - now half price
  The 300-page Ireland almanac can be ordered here. Features estimated weather for all counties for every day of 2017.
  Weather Almanac for Australia 2017 - now half price 18/09/2016
Weather Almanac for Australia 2017 - now half price
  Our nearly 500-page book comprises daily estimations of rain, temps, and wind, plus severe events diaries etc for all states and capitals and many smaller centres throughout Australia, for all of 2017. Cost: 66.24AUD (plus $8 for expedited postage)
  Extreme events diaries for Australia 2017 15/09/2016
Extreme events diaries for Australia 2017
  This 335-page pdf e-book lists all significant weather events to come next year in all states of Australia, both by event and by state and in easy-to-peruse tables format. This document would not fit into the 2017 Australian weather almanac. A must for farmers. Cost: 22.50AUD
  Weather Almanac for NZ 2017 13/09/2016
Weather Almanac for NZ 2017
  The NZ weather book for next year for whole of NZ and for each district. Rain maps and tables, sun and temperature trends, snow, gardening, fishing, earthquake diaries and more. Cost: 45.99 includes courier post to anywhere in NZ
  Planting By The Moon 2017 07/09/2016
Planting By The Moon 2017
  A 50-page e-book in pdf format covering all aspects of planting by the moon. What days best to plant, sow, prune and rest. Daily activities throughout the year, for vegetables, fruits, trees, nuts, flowers, leafy veg, both above and below ground. Differences for North and South Island.
  El Nino strongest ever? 06/11/2015
El Nino strongest ever?
  Why do they keep changing their minds? If you take away the alarmism that is generated by the availability of funding, what is the more likely story about El Nino?
  Facts vs factors: El Nino 09/10/2015
Facts vs factors: El Nino
  The latest PR from the meteorologists expresses confusion because a recent change in the ocean next door to Australia has caused them to pause and revise everything they had previously predicted.
  Expectations in weather science 29/07/2015
Expectations in weather science
  Weather is more a subjective science than an objective one. Predictions are opinions. You can no more analyse a weather service than a favourite colour.
  Northern Ireland weather 30/04/2015
Northern Ireland weather
  The reason for the recent spate of bad weather. When close perigees associate with new moon in winter, expect cooler conditions in the north.
  When and where is the next big NZ earthquake? 03/04/2015
When and where is the next big NZ earthquake?
  This opinion is not intended to frighten. By opening this article readers choose information given freely. I plead that readers go no further if this issue causes anxiety.
  Monsoons and cyclones 07/11/2014
Monsoons and cyclones
  What causes them? How regular are they? What is the coming season looking like for Australia and NZ?
  West Auckland summer 04/11/2014
West Auckland summer
  Auckland is mainly west coast, as northwesterlies blow across to North Shore and southwesterlies blow over to South Auckland. What West Auckland gets is often what the rest gets.
  Why climate is unlikely to be changing 04/07/2014
Why climate is unlikely to be changing
  They say records are made to be broken. That is how they are defined, more akin to the fashion industry than sport or weather. In the overall sheme of things they are meaningless.
  Why what is in the air cannot affect weather 20/06/2014
Why what is in the air cannot affect weather
  It is often said that what is put into the air can affect climate and weather. But whether CO2 or volcanic ash, the earth will always be unaffected. The immensity of forces causing air, water and land tides ensures that normality is quickly restored.
  El Nino not till next year 06/03/2014
El Nino not till next year
  Nothing that will be labelled El Nino is due for another year and a half. Meteorologists cannot go on ignoring moon cycles, and the lunar correlation with ocean oscillation.
  The Effects of the Moon on Earth's Weather 13/01/2014
The Effects of the Moon on Earth's Weather
  The Moon brings tropical cyclones and heatwaves, floods and balmy summer days. It is a Jekyll and Hyde. How it achieves this is through the tides it induces in land crust, ocean and air.
  Looking after - the planet? 10/10/2013
Looking after - the planet?
  The media have been at it again, promoting the lie that the planet has been warming, at the same time suppressing evidence to the contrary.
  Climate changers dancing in the streets 28/09/2013
Climate changers dancing in the streets
  The warmers are celebrating over a recent report by the UN that climate change is indeed happening, despite most of the world now believing it is, as it always was, complete nonsense.
  Climate change - the evidence they don't want people to see 27/09/2013
Climate change - the evidence they don't want people to see
  NZ earth scientists in 2012 put out incorrect statements about global warming. Their own website data shows how they have misled the public.
  The Christchurch Storm and the Moon 13/09/2013
The Christchurch Storm and the Moon
  Page 365 of our weather almanac suggests disturbed westerlies and northwesterlies over the South island for 11 September. How might the moon have been involved?
  White lies in winter 01/09/2013
White lies in winter
  Some meteorologists are saying that due to global warming NZ has just had its warmest winter ever. At the same time, ski operators have had a truly fantastic season. Can't both be true.
  UK and Ireland weather for August 12/08/2013
UK and Ireland weather for August
  There is considerable interest in whether or not summer heatwave temperatures may return. Our opinion is yes, but some folk may have to wait until near the end of this month.
  Earth is Blue, not green 09/08/2013
Earth is Blue, not green
  Recent claims by NZ's top scientist shows how astonishingly ill-researched scientists have become, leading to basic misunderstandings about life on this planet.
  Cook Strait earthquakes 22/07/2013
Cook Strait earthquakes
  There have been nearly 700 recorded shakes over the past few days, 400 of them in the past 24 hours. They are not finished yet. What is the reason for them?
  Free map offer 16/06/2013
Free map offer
  Traditional forecasters who once insisted it was impossible, are now offering weather predictions for more than a week ahead. We think this is a pleasing development, as it gives longrange forecasting the stamp of approval.
  Severe winter ahead 19/04/2013
Severe winter ahead
  The almanac 2013 predicted the drought and the April rains that ended it. The almanac also predicts an unusually cold winter looming.
  Why we had a drought 06/04/2013
Why we had a drought
  This drought was mentioned no fewer than 6 times in the Weather Almanac for 2013 for NZ, as were the words "scorching hot summer", "heat-waves" and "fire-bans" The reasons are easily explained.
  Waves cause winds, not vice versa? 28/03/2013
Waves cause winds, not vice versa?
  The weather textbooks say wind generates waves but ALSO sea surface temperatures affect the atmosphere. Wait - which is it? The truth is that undersea swells generate the above-sea wind. Storms come from under the boat. Why this science needs revisiting.
  Drought of commonsense 15/03/2013
Drought of commonsense
  The potential for drought was mentioned in this year's almanac, p62. A look at our history shows the pattern, and we should be looking for cycles. If so farmers could better manage dry seasons.
  Hang on farmers, rain is coming 22/02/2013
Hang on farmers, rain is coming
  The outlook for March is one of relief for NZ farmers. Watch out for the effects of some dying cyclones, passing depressions and possible floods. View the latest update here for some good news!
  Sunspot numbers up, earthquake risk 05/01/2013
Sunspot numbers up, earthquake risk
  The sun emits extra radiation that we call sunspots. They are responsible for extra heat in places experiencing summer, and potential earthquakes.
  Moon winds 27/12/2012
Moon winds
  The moon can be demonstrated to be influential in causing and changing wind strength and direction. Yachties know that there is often a big blow before the tide turns, and on the turn the wind may drop.
  Merry Christmas 24/12/2012
Merry Christmas
  We were told to expect rain, some torrential, all this week in Auckland. However as the remains of cyclone Evan drift disintegrate long drier spells should develop for main cities.
  The end of the end of the world 20/12/2012
The end of the end of the world
  You would think that if the world will end on 21/12/2012, the date the Mayans are claimed to see as a watershed, this date of Great Upheaval and Widespread Destruction, that we would be seeing things happening already. So how come the big hold-up?
  The Moon and recent seismic activity 28/11/2012
The Moon and recent seismic activity
  On 7-8 December there was a 6.3mag earthquake in Tokoroa. Japan has made world headlines with a 7.3mag. A deadly cyclone is battering Samoa. Were these moon-related?
  The Climate of Science Change 23/11/2012
The Climate of Science Change
  The phony science of climate change has shown that uncertainty is irrelevant, evidence is not needed and results are now decided by computer. The climate is not changing, but there is no profit for anyone in saying so.
  The Full moon and Hurricane Sandy 31/10/2012
The Full moon and Hurricane Sandy
  It may not have escaped readers’ attention that Hurricane Sandy has peaked on the exact day of Full moon.
  What will November bring? 24/10/2012
What will November bring?
  Because the orbits and daily positions of Sun, Moon and planets can be calculated in advance, we can determine interpretations of these combinations with respect to weekly and sometimes daily weather conditions.
  Consensus now achieved 24/10/2012
Consensus now achieved
  Environmental scientists appear to have reached consensus. They are at last agreed that the jury is still out on climate change and global warming. Many skeptical reports at university level have emerged, and those in the field seem to agree that what once they thought was reliable evidence is now too shaky.
  Dark morning in November 22/10/2012
Dark morning in November
  A total solar eclipse of the sun is coming nearly over NZ in November. Destructive weather can occur several months beforehand.
  The sea and the kettle 05/10/2012
The sea and the kettle
  You would think that “sea-level rise” was well documented, considering alarmists seem so sure that it is happening, but virtually nothing is to be found in literature or on the internet about the expansion properties of saltwater in association with atmospheric greenhouse gases.
  The Holes in the Ozone story 24/09/2012
The Holes in the Ozone story
  Every October we read alarmist headlines about a larger ozone hole. Why?
  What climate change? 20/09/2012
What climate change?
  With the lead-up to the arrival of prime climate change exponent Al Gore, much of the media sees dollar signs in a new round of alarmism. So let us just for a moment pause and reflect on what the word climate means for New Zealand.
  Cyclone season may be a fizzer 26/08/2012
Cyclone season may be a fizzer
  What years are more favoured for tropical cyclones? An explanation about what causes them and reasons for conclusions about this season.
  More bad weather to come for NZ 14/07/2012
More bad weather to come for NZ
  Don’t let one or two fine days fool you. Despite some reports otherwise our NZ winter weather is far from over. Expect about another 15 cold southerly systems before November.
  The Wind Trade 12/07/2012
The Wind Trade
  There has been speculation that El Niño may return during late winter or early spring. Drought in the east of both Australia and NZ is more likely during El Niño events because of drying winds from the west. But will it happen?
  Declinations and earthquakes 01/07/2012
Declinations and earthquakes
  The moon moves like a regular clock, covering a cycle of between 18-19 years called the nodal cycle. There is a correlation to this cycle and earthquake frequency.
  Don't scream, it's over 01/07/2012
Don't scream, it's over
  Global warming is dead. There never was any evidence and everybody knew it. The green industry backed by the UN exacerbated poverty and caused recession as they tried to close down progress and enterprise.
  Limitations of the barometer 23/06/2012
Limitations of the barometer
  This 3675-word essay explores why the orbiting of the moon has the answers to weather prediction, and how the barometer may be improved. Through observance of these principles you will have a better understanding of how to predict season trends. Cost: $13NZ (FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS)
  Is NZ getting more earthquakes? 22/05/2012
Is NZ getting more earthquakes?
  You cannot necessarily believe what the media says. They only wish to sell product and increase ratings. It does not appear NZ has entered into any unusual pattern.
  If planets could laugh 22/05/2012
If planets could laugh
  We have to imagine planets have a sense of humour and that they find our species incredibly dumb. No other species calls itself the Master Race, but is so scared of sunlight, warmth, snow, rain, dust, water and wind.
  Traditional Earthquake myths exposed 01/05/2012
Traditional Earthquake myths exposed
  Alternative viewpoints, uncompromised by the politics of research-funding or city rebuilding have not had equal air time.
  Ireland lookahead to summer 01/05/2012
Ireland lookahead to summer
  What will summer bring for Ireland? Not a scorcher, but pleasant enough.
  Do clouds move? 01/05/2012
Do clouds move?
  You can look down from a plane and see clouds stationary, but look up from the ground and see them racing around. So which is it?
  Is CO2 a pollutant? 23/04/2012
Is CO2 a pollutant?
  Whoever thinks so has not bothered doing the arithmetic. It turns out that your SUV is probably no more polluting than you are.
  Two tides per day 21/04/2012
Two tides per day
  What causes there to be two tides both high & low each day, when the moon passes over each place on earth only once a day? The answer is unexpected.
  Planetquakes? 17/03/2012
  Is there weather and quakes on other planets? If there was, weather must have nothing to do with air and earthquakes must have nothing to do with tectonic plates. Screaming horrors..scientists may have to think again. Guess what folks..
  Moon cycles, a summary 07/02/2012
Moon cycles, a summary
  List of moon events for 2012-2014. Use this to plot atmospheric disturbances at your location.
  What causes earthquakes? 04/02/2012
What causes earthquakes?
  How planetary cycles power earthquakes. Unless scars now mysteriously cause their preceding accidents, the causes of earthquakes have nothing to do with tectonic plates.
  The Eclipse 10/12/2011
The Eclipse
  It is the total lunar eclipse tonight at 3am, the last fully visible one from the Pacific region until 15 April 2014. Tomorrow morning watch the full moon turn red.
  Why you might not want to believe a Skeptic. 08/12/2011
Why you might not want to believe a Skeptic.
  Science..or someone's uninformed idea of astrology? For too long the NZ media have given the Skeptics Society an unchallenged run.
  Throwing away Brisbane water? 20/11/2011
Throwing away Brisbane water?
  Water is currently being released week from Brisbane's Wivenhoe Dam in case of flooding this summer. The lowering of the dam is to prevent what happened last year.
  Global warming officially dead? 20/11/2011
Global warming officially dead?
  The IPCC, the UN spokesorganisation for climate change, has now admitted that climate is due to natural variation and not due to the activities of Man. But you probably won't read about this in the alarmist press.
  Will Elenin affect Earth? 19/09/2011
Will Elenin affect Earth?
  Some facts about a cold weak pile of dust called a comet that seem to have been ignored by those anxious to float a good scare story.
  Christchurch wake up call 19/09/2011
Christchurch wake up call
  A perspective on what is and isn't happening. Are numbers of earthquakes decreasing? Are the right people getting help?
  2012 for NZ 01/09/2011
2012 for NZ
  A bullet point summary of weather trends for next year. Farmers and agriculturalists are making planning decisions right now. What kind of year will it be? Cold again or heatwaves? Stormy or calm? Extracted from Predict Weather Almanac 2012
  Earthquake News 26/08/2011
Earthquake News
  Is rebuilding a little hasty? Another event may be coming to Christchurch in September. Let's rebuild confidence before concrete.
  Screenshot 20 March 2011 earthquake 01/04/2011
Screenshot 20 March 2011 earthquake
  A 7-intensity earthquake struck Christchurch at 9.47pm on 20 March.
  Earthquake in Auckland? 17/09/2010
Earthquake in Auckland?
  Some are asking if it could happen in NZ's biggest city. Find out here..
  Ken Ring, the Moonman, and lunar science 12/08/2010
Ken Ring, the Moonman, and lunar science
  Ken Ring is perhaps Australia and NZ's only published longrange weather forecaster.
  Snow Report 2010 to 2020 11/08/2010
Snow Report 2010 to 2020
  A summary of snow seasons 2010 to 2020. Which month to avoid in 2010, and the best time to go to the slopes, and also an understanding of the perspective of the cycle of changes over the next decade.
  Oil may be running in - not out. 24/01/2010
Oil may be running in - not out.
  Are we being screwed by the oil companies? Do they create false shortages so they can raise prices however they wish?

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