Why what is in the air cannot affect weather
FRIDAY JUNE 20, 2014
Astronomers have, over the years, led us on a veritable journey of discovery. They have shown us that bodies in space affect each other and everything on each other. That means the Sun on Jupiter, Jupiter on the earth and the earth on the moon. But they have let us and the world's meteorologists down at the last hurdle. The sun and moon has an effect on the earth and everything on the earth, including the air. In astronomy's zeal to explore, we know much now about stars billions of kms away, which have been named by the astronomers who discovered them, but relatively little about the effects earth has and vice versa, on our nearest celestial neighbour. In short, the moon massively affects the earth but we have been led to believe otherwise.
We do know that the moon exerts a tidal force. We also accept, verifiable by our own visual evidence that the land, sea and air are joined. Things joined are by definition part of a joined system. The tides of land and sea have been measured by instruments designed for the purpose. The land mass we call the Australian Plate moves tidally 50cms up and down per day on average. But the tide of the air has not seen any development of technology to measure it. Nevertheless local barometric pressure can be shown to vary in the timeframe of tidal changes about a coastline. That the air has a tide is not new and can be deduced from the Land and ocean tides. Otherwise there is selective deletion by solar and lunar forces, for no logical reason.
Land, water and air can behave in similar ways dynamically but also differ in some respects. For instance unlike air, water cannot be compressed under pressure alone - heat must be applied to achieve a state of steam. Pressure waves can flow through each of the three, also changes in volumetric height. At times land behaves like a liquid, and earthquakes have made hills roll like ocean waves. There are tidal properties common to land, water and air. Tide peaks in all three can be shown to occur at times of combinations of lunar phase, lunar declination and perigees.
The moon acts gravitationally on the inner core of the earth to create the daily heaving of the earth. The scarcely perceivable daily tide of the land rising and falling creates the visible tide of the ocean, although the amount of water entering a bay is fairly constant. Water is heavy and does not move in bulk without lag. Masses of new water would not arrive within only 6 hours after a low tide to make up the next high tide Instead, the land is daily being vertically displaced and returned to rest. As a bay contracts the water level rises just as a bath would if it had movable walls, and we call it high tide. Then 6 hours later as the bay expands the same water lowers in height which we then call low tide. There are several thousands of kms of land in daily vertical displacement, supporting only 1-3kms of water that forms the averaged ocean depth over the planet. The real tide is the Land or Earth Tide, which we cannot see as there is nothing to compare it to.
This water covers 73% of the surface of the planet. Understandably the land tide causes a greater tidal ocean variation nearest the coasts, averaging about 2 metres per day, but in the deep ocean where land mass is less the tidal variation of the water is also less; about two thirds of a metre. Above the ocean sits the air. As the land rises and water drops, when water levels rise air pressure drops. It is not that lighter air creates a vacuum that raises water levels, nor that heavier air depresses the ocean, although that may be our initial observation. Rather, all three mediums are acting together due to the one source, the moon. The sun is also a factor, but two and a half times less than the moon due to its greater distance away.
What we call ocean is a function of division of the bodies of the water on earth. Accordingly we have the Indian Ocean, the Pacific, Atlantic, and their southern extensions in Antarctic, and in the Arctic. The word 'tide' itself means 'division' and is also the root of the word 'time'. This means the ocean does not have a tide; the ocean is the tide. In a similar way the weather is the tide of the air. Etymologically 'atmosphere' comes from 'aetmos', a Greek word meaning 'breath'. 'Air' comes from this root, also the words 'weather' and 'wind'. From wind we get 'wave', 'vane', 'wing', 'fan', 'vent', etc, all words denoting some form of blowing. The air was seen as 'that which blew', a giant breath coming from some god with puffed cheeks. In other words atmosphere is inseparable from weather. One means the other. It indicates that ancient man only took interest in weather when winds blew.
Therefore the atmosphere cannot cause weather as it is weather already, just as the sea and tide do not cause each other as they are each other, at least etymylogically. In science words themselves are defining, or we have no pursuit of precision. Something cannot then cause itself. It is just as impossible to determine weather by dissecting properties of the air as it is to examine seawater under a miscroscope and come up with tide tables of the future. The weather got here first. Whatever emissions are put into the atmosphere gets dealt to immediately by whatever weather is about. Saying emissions can alter weather is the same as saying the rustling of trees causes wind, or boats bobbing on the sea creates waves.
It suits environmentalists to claim that impurities in air can change weather patterns. This is like saying ink or oil poured into the ocean can alter the tides. This does not happen, and impurities would just become part of the next tide. In the same way all emissions from vehicles, outgassing from volcanoes and lighter rising gases like water vapour and methane just rejoin the atmosphere that is the arriving weather. Just as the sea currents forming tides are due to Sun and Moon positioning thousands of kms away from earth, so are Sun and Moon positions responsible for ebbs and flows of the tides of the air. Emissions and volcanic ash are merely carried along by this process in the same way as the water of a river and the various solids that the river holds are swept along by the forceful flow of the river racing to the sea.
Pollution may be a factor in temporary content but not in tidal force. The content is not and has no influence on, the tide. A bath of dirty water is still a bath. The cleansing properties of the ocean will break down all pollution long before the 73% of the surface of the planet that is alkalinic seawater would ever be adversely affected. It is why pollution does not affect climate. What comes from the soil, seabed and above-soil simply returns to source and recycles. The air too has cleansing properties, made possible by carbon dioxide and ammonia and the hydroxyls produced by the break-down of methane at upper levels. We may adversely affect our own small areas and make breathing difficult because we have temporarily changed the purity of the air we breathe, but it will not affect the planet nor anywhere other than the metropolitan region undergoing the dust and impurity bombardment. It is unpleasant to those in its midst but not globe-changing. A dirty ants nest may affect the ants but will not change the weather. It is the opposite - the weather may clean things out. Metroploitan humanity occupies only 1.6% of the surface of the planet (nationalgeographic.com). This leaves 98% of the globe which includes oceans, ice caps, craggy mountain ranges, uninhabited islands, deserts and boggy marshland mostly uninhabited. It is why any polluting practices can never become a global issue. The environmentalists' claim that pollution affects climate is visceral and without proof.
If sufficient logs try to jam a river, the river will find a different way to the sea. But no amount of emissions or ash can stem the tide of the air, just as no pollution in the sea can affect tides, and just as no manmade land structures or other preventative measures like pressure releasing in oil reserves can influence or diminish earthquakes. There are claims abounding that mining or fracking can cause extra seismic activity. But the furthest down any human activity has drilled has not exceeded 5kms, so cannot affect earthquakes known to originate from 500kms deep and more. It is an example of human vanity to suppose the influence of Man is sufficient to significantly alter nature enough to change or modify any of the three tides.
And so to volcanic eruptions. Despite claims to the contrary the eruptions of Pinatubo and in Eyjafjallajokul. did not provably change climate or weather patterns either in their vicinities or more widely, in the short or longer term. See the link below for some documentation. Millions of eruptions are occurring all over the planet every day, with most under the sea, and yet somehow climates in those areas remain constant. After thousands of years of ongoing volcanic activity.alternately maximising and receding, of earthquakes clustering and dying back, and emissions into the air of e.g. CO2 from termites and rotting marshes, much more daily than all human-caused emissions in one year, what the climates of all places have always been and will always be can always be summed up in a few sentences because they remain constant.
Climate is the loose term we learned at school to describe countries. Equatorial latitudes are hot and humid and polar latitudes always cool and drier. Coastal locations making use of the insulation of the ocean have less extreme temperatures than inland regions. Island climates are subject to quicker weather systems and more changeable than across vast plains, and suffer less from dust storms and tornadoes. Volcanic atolls like Tuvalu and Marshall Islands rise and fall because they sit above seismic activity. Large land masses like Eurasia, Australia the Americas bordering a deep ocean like the Pacific bring more earthquake activity to places like Japan, New Zealand, and the west coasts of North and South America. High elevations like some in Germany can be colder than seaside parts of the more northern UK. Ireland will have an island climate and usually less winter snow than England or Scotland. These climates do not change though volcanic ash periodically blackens the atmosphere and emissions rise into the air from their roads. These climates will remain unaltered after the polluting dust of many centuries has blown over all our graves.
The Moon and the Volcano
Tides of the earth